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Hoarding Expired Energy

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

As the image shows this is what hoarding expired energy looks like. But what does it mean? Hoarding expired energy is when you continue to hold on to experiences, people, habits, and yes even things that no longer or have never served your higher purpose. Continuing to collect new versions of the same energy all while attempting to harness and manifest new energy, ideas, ways, habits, etc. It's not going to work no matter how much you shove and stuff things down eventually you're going to break. Breaking comes in many forms such as depression, confusion, anger, mental breakdowns, feeling stuck, and just being stagnant in your growth and progress. Often times many don't even realize this is what they are doing. It's just like this closet space, they keep just shoving it in that closet way in the back of the subconscious. No matter what, you won't let things go because you feel you can't let it go. Sometimes as people we can hold on to the pain of an experience for so long we don't realize the way it has and is affecting us. If you've been betrayed you very well may have trust issues however, you may not realize the way it has affected your life and connects with others. The pain from that experience could be causing you to be overly guarded to where you only let people in but so far. This is because not only are you hoarding the experience you are hoarding and operating in the energy of the pain from it as well. Yet, there you are in a healing workshop or retreat trying to collect new energy and hold on to the old. Holding on to the experience and the pain of it is unhealthy. A part of healing is learning that there is a lesson in every experience and it is the lesson of it that we are to remember. In this situation, the lesson may be your higher self (intuition) was telling you something about the person or situation and you didn't listen. The thing to learn would be to trust your (intutition/spirit/ gut) more and when you don't the consequence is pain.

Hoarding energy is just like the television show Hoarders. Think of yourself as the house and the stuff crammed inside the house is all the old experiences, energy, and pain. Often these items you're holding or hoarding go all the way back to childhood. And so since a child, you have been shoving and cramming and stuffing things into the house of you. Now as an adult there's no room for anything else you are beyond capacity and in a spiritually hazardous situation. And here comes spiritual enlightenment. You want that peace and oneness so you spend thousands of dollars to sit in classes, buy books, crystals, incenses, get reading after reading, and yes even go through rituals, and while it offers some release it is only temporary. Why? Because you have only done surface cleansing and healing. This is like only cleaning the yards and outside of the house. But, when you open that front door to go inside ... it's still a mess and you are STILL hoarding that same energy in the form of people, spaces, things, and vices all over again only now you've brought all the stuff to clean the place but it's lost in the junk.

Beloved this is a form of toxic self-destruction. No matter how many folks come and try to help you, trinkets you buy, books you read, or classes you sit in you have to face the truth. You are living an unhealthy, difunctional, and very hazardous life. No one and nothing is going to ever be able to aid you in correcting and healing you until you begin doing it for yourself. It's not a simple 1,2,3, fix. It will take hard work and dedication to you and the life you desire.

Start by taking an honest look at yourself and those around you. How do they make you feel? Are these people even on the same frequency as you are? What about your surroundings? Where you live and rest? Is it cluttered and unkept? What are your thoughts about yourself? Are they positive with forward motion thinking and actions? Are you lining up or putting yourself in a position to receive your heart's desire?

What we think we become, what we speak manifests, what we manifest is from our own vibrations. The people around us may not be reflections of where we are at this moment.

However, they are a reflection of where we once were. They hold the energy and thought-forms we were once in. Your friends and lovers can be a road map to where you've come from and not always where you're at. They become the fuel to keeping your hoarding ways alive and seem normal. Your home speaks volumes about the energy you are holding inside. If it is messy, cluttered, and unkept it is a sure-fire sign something is off. Now they say cleanliness is next to godliness however, there is a such this as overdoing it too. What is dirty in your subconscious that you try to scrub away in the physical? These are just a few things for you to review when you are attempting to do a total being detox. It can seem massive at times may even seem overwhelming but I promise it's not. Here is how I myself got out of this habit of hoarding.

The first step I had to do was acknowledge and accept I was a mess and needed healing. I sat down with a notebook and wrote out how I was feeling and where that feeling was coming from. I had to step outside of the situation and examine everything around me. As the conductor of your energy, you manifest the life you live. You manifest the people and everything in it. After this observation of where I was at that moment, I sat and wrote out where and what I desired for my life. Then compared where I was to where I was desiring to go. Trust me this was a real eye-opener for me. The hardest part was to accept I had a hand in where I was. It was so easy to hold on to a victim mentality and blame others including my parents for things. I had to realize I made choices that had gotten me to where I was. Let me be clear acceptance does not mean you live there in a whoa is me frequency. This means to own your shit! Indeed hold others accountable for their actions and accept that you have been the villain as well. You were the villain to self by holding and hoarding mindsets, energies, and experiences. You made choices all your own. It's about problem-solving and looking for solutions. How can you change something or rid yourself of something? You must do this for yourself. All things begin and end with you.

You have to start by putting yourself first and release others' expectations of you. Be it your parent's dreams for your life or your children's ideologies of what a parent should be. Begin by moving into a state of mind I call clean and create. This means to cleanse your mind of everyone else's chatter and create your YOU-niverse.

  • Create realistic self rituals to aid you in this tough process. Start with morning gratitude and positive self-affirmations. Spend time each morning with you and spirit. It can be something as simple as a cup of tea or coffee sitting in silence with a notebook and pen just writing and mapping things out. That you time at the beginning of the day not only gives you a positive start to the day, it also sets the tone of putting you first not only into your day but it becomes a healthy ritual.

  • Create self-love days and rituals. On self-love days it's all about me and what I enjoy. I go to the nail salon, get my hair done, eat my favorite food, maybe buy myself something that I like, go sit by the water, whatever it is I want to do I do for me. Sometimes I curl up with a good book or watch some trash tv. I have a self-love bath I created for myself that makes me feel calm and relaxed.

  • Create a space for you to meditate. Now this this doesnt have to be an elaborate alter or anything like that. This space is a place of silence where you clear your mind and stop the world so to speak. I am speaking of a mediataion space. This space can be in your home, by the water, a quiet space in nature. It is a place where you meet you, and recieve divine messages from spirit. It's a space to clear the mind and refesh the soul.

Seems simple and it is. We often thing we have to make grand gestures or do the impossible. When in fact the smallest thing can make the biggest impact. The reason I have given you these three things is to give you a starting point on self work. No one teaches us the value of this.Self-care is highly important. Especially during the destroy and rebuild spiritual and life detox process. If you haven't or don't know what this process you're doing is actually called its shadow work.

I have to warn you this is a tough stage.

This is usually where some folks relationships fall apart. You lose friends, family and yes even your partner may end up having to go. Reason being they do not match the frequancy you are now on. Some may be willing to evolve with you but the ones that do not wish to are the ones we have to learn to release. This is a hard process because for so long we are accustomed to being around or with other people. In this phase of your jounery is where you will learn about isolation. This is what I call the sneaky part of it because you won't realize right away that this is happening. You will suddenly realize you have created a bubble and it's just you in it. Now don't panic this does not mean you will be completley alone. there will be spirital beings both physical and celestrial that will be there for you. It is in this isolation period where you will do the most shedding and evloving. It is also when you begin to connect with the creator, your ancestors, spirit guides, nature, and of course your higher self. Shadow work is where you strip away from your self through the process of purging all the versions of yourself that has stood in your way. I do recommend getting yourself a good therapist that can help you with the reconstruction of your mind because this can be strenuous on you. You are literally breaking and destroying deep mental constructs. Not everyone will need help with this but there are others who do and there is no shame in that. Remember this is about YOU doing what is best and healthy for YOU. Shadow work can last a few days, weeks, or even years. I promise you there is an end and it will come in cycles. I have found I do shadow work during certain times of the year every year. So I am better prepared for it. Also, pay attention to moon phases as they can sometimes trigger a shadow work process and most of all listen to your high self (spirit/soul). You will notice when you are going to enter a shadow phase by things you begin to do and prepare (this comes down the line as you become seasoned in this type of work)

Shadow work and healing is a forever process and is not a one-and-done fix. The first few times you go through it it will be rough. The more you go through the process the easier and quicker it becomes. Along with a therapist allow your higher self to find your soul family. Your soul family is there to be by your side during this process. They will be your godparent(s) which I highly recommend you get or a shaman. People you don't know but know and have a deep connection to that will help guide you to the better version of yourself. They are out there trust. ANd now with the internet making the world smaller you will find them and they will find you. I will do a blog about spiritual family another time but for now... Get to cleaning and unhoarding you got manifesting to do. Ase

The intention of this post is to shed light on areas not thought of or known, It is to be of assistance and aid in guiding to truth and work for your betterment. I speak healing, growth, and abundance in every area of the life of all who read this.

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